Wednesday, November 23, 2016


It's funny how much holidays change over the years. When I was little, We would have Thanksgiving at my Babcia & Jaj's house (Grandma & Grandpa). The entire family would come and we were all so close. 

During my younger years that meant that on Thanksgivintg Eve my cousin Stefanie and I would watch a magic show on TV (because they always had a magic show). Her mom would peruse the Black Friday ads. Then we would all play hide and seek until we decided to put on a magic show of our own on Thanksgiving day. My aunt Teresa would assist us and also give good hiding spots. My Mom always made Thanksgiving dinner with my Grandma. The men would watch sports, hang Christmas lights, and do manly things, I guess. I have no idea actually! Haha! 

Later, during my teen years, I spent most of my time with my little cousin (9 years younger??) Karena. She and I became pretty close and I would have a lot of fun with her. These years, food also started becoming the main event- and not just the cheesecake but all the foods. But, I would carry Karena around on my back and we would go look at snow and all sorts of stuff. 

Recently, any of us who could gather, would go to Babcia's for Thanksgiving. During my two years I spent in Alabama a while back, I even made it for one. My family as a whole doesn't talk much anymore. Some relatives just don't get along, but that's another story for another day. A story that starts with me meeting my husband, actually. Go figure.

This year is the first year that my Grandma isn't in her home. Thanksgiving was always her holiday too (as she was the one throwing it). She's currently living in a care facility in Iowa near my uncle and his family. She also recently broke her legs due to an accident there. I hope my Uncle will visit with her tomorrow- if they can't take her to their house. 

My parents will be having a nice dinner with my Dad's side of the family in Florida. Sunny Florida. Sigh. 

And, I have no major plans as of yet. My sister-in-law is in Kansas City and my brother-in-law is in Arizonia. My Mother-in-law cannot have salt or normal food. It's kind of a pitiful holiday this year.

I'd love to be in Florida with my parents, of course. I'd also like to see my Grandma- so long as she can curb the "get a job" speech.

But, that's life. I miss my family this year- but we will make it work in the long run! 

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