Saturday, November 19, 2016


One thing I do when I get depressed is read. It usually is the only thing that helps me shake the funk, if you will. However, the books I like usually help cause a bit more pain in the beginning. The stuff that I focus on when depression hits me is usually the happiest parts of what I read. It's difficult to deal with but I usually hit a hump and I start to feel better- because of the reading.

I'll be fair and share that I was diagnosed with episodic depression (a lovely branch of chronic depression). It comes and goes and it sucks but what can you do? I was taking medication but I became a complete zombie and I gained 25 pounds , which have subsequently been lost. Let's not even talk about the withdrawal and side effects I've been through! 

As I was saying, reading is my medicine. I have a ton of books and my kindle is bursting with them too!

About two years ago, I started thrifting all the Black Dagger Brotherhood books by J R Ward. Paranormal books are likely my favorite types, though I do have one other contender. 

Anyway, I've been debating on reading these books for so long but I kept putting them back down. First, the books develop there own vocaubulary which could go either way. Secondly, the main characters are really what have stopped me. Their names being Wrath, Thorment, Zsadist, etc... Kind of lame.

I finally picked it up back in October (because I always read horror and paranormal during Halloween month). I just now really started the first book this week though and I am giddy. 

Again, it sparked some pain since I started it while at a very low, low. But now, I feel happy just to read it.  And, let me reiterate that I was really low for the past week. 

I'm glad that I can find things to help me shake some stuff. 

In other news...

This (black) Friday marks the release of Gilmore Girls AYITL on Netflix. I cannot contain myself. I've seriously watched every episode at least 10 times through the years and some even more than that. It's amazing to have something given back to you when you thought it was gone forever. 
It truly is.

My husband cannot wait til it's over just so I'll stop talking about it. This saddens me- but then again- he enjoys it too (the series not all of my questions). But then again, I wish he had a classic car just so he'd stop talking about that to me. Right? But, I'm sure that wouldn't stop him talking now would it?  And if it did, he'd probably never say anything to me ever again. :/

Isn't marital life just fun? I'm kidding. Am I? Ha! 

That's all I've got for now. Back to my book! 

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