This is my team. The lovable losers. The team every fan wanted to see in this position but never did. The end of the season would come and we'd be sad but never angry. We are the best losers. I believe Bill Murray even said that last night! 😉
The weird thing about this is that Chicagoans are the opposite. The Bears lose a game and the fans are looking to lynch anyone as fast as they can. It's actually kind of scary. It's also a lot of the reason I'm a Colts fan!
But, the Cubs. It was always just another year- we'll get them eventually! 🎶"Someday we'll go all the way!"
That someday is here and it is stunningly beautiful! Our boys in blue!
Game 4 came around and a lot of people I know had already developed a "there's always next year" philosophy. But, I refused to give up. And even if we had lost- I would have been okay with that (even if I was heartbroken). To be a Cubs fan means that you have optimism even when it doesn't happen. To me that is a true fan. Believing in your team even when they don't bring it.
We all have bad days. It's what you do with them! It's about rallying together and saying that you won't back down!
Now, I'm not the best Cubs fan. I'll admit it. I don't watch most regular season games (I just don't have time- and baseball takes TIME). BUT, I keep up with them. I look up scores at the end of the game or I check a friends status on Facebook everyday!
But, I'm not a bandwagon fan. And I hate the term! This has always been my team and it will always be my team! And, randomly, I do not like the White Sox- but that is mainly due to a lot of the jerk fans I have met (this general principle is why I do not like Alabama- DO NOT ROLL TIDE)!
When I was little I would catch an occasional game at my Grandma's house in the summer. She didn't have cable so we only got the basic channels and, of course, WGN.
I loved Harry Caray the most! The 7th inning stretch would come on and I'd sing along. He kind of reminded me of my Grandpa.. in the most lovable way.
Watching Sammy Sosa later on was a major reason for watching the Cubs! It ran up there with watching the Chicago Bulls!
Part of me is still speechless and the other part is singing. I'm so happy for my team! To the boys of Cleveland for putting up a great fight and making it an even playing field. And to our boys for bringing it home! I still cannot believe it!
And P.S. I'm pretty happy about Rizzo being the one to officially win it. Totally my favorite Cub! Not that I don't love them all! Hehe!
And, also- a trip to Wrigly for a game has been on my bucket list for a very long time. I flipped out just because my Dad drove us around the stadium a few years ago- the biggest smile on my face! If that doesn't make me a fan, what does?

This makes me even happier that they won 💙❤️💙. It was a long time coming, but that just makes it sweeter!