Monday, November 28, 2016


I pride myself on good gift giving. I like to think of myself as a good shop owner because I like to learn about the people  who buy my pieces. For instance, this week when selling a television, I was going to include a pair of matching stud earrings in the box. It hit me that the buyer had mentioned a pair of dangles I sent them and how it had changed their mind on dangles.

I had a sale and she bought the pair (well same style/color) that I had already sent several days prior. She got her package 5 minutes after deciding to buy the dangles I had just posted. It was one of my finer moments. I also try hard to remember little things like who can't wear earrings and other quirky details.

So, when I say that I take gift giving to the extreme- I mean it. I play all ideas and all angles. Last year my best friend and her husband (who happens to be my other best friend's brother- they met at my party though I can't take much credit except for providing food and shelter) threw their annual Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. They decided to have a white elephant ornament exchange.

They sent invites out in early November and I spent a lot of time working on ornaments. I settled on an ugly Christmas sweater ornament that I found randomly at Hobby Lobby (of course when I wasn't actively searching) for me to bring. I found a Mr and Mrs Claus set made out of panty hose for my husband's ornament. Did I mention they were naked with little butt cracks and all? Hehe. 

Imagine this type of doll... I really wish I had a photo but it's on my old phone. 

I'll give you a guess at who had the two most stolen ornaments. 

Tonight, I spent some time working on trying to narrow down my gifts for a secret Santa exhange. I've got a ton of ideas, so many that buying one thing almost feels like a betrayal to the other potential things.

But, after some searching, I came across the one idea I really wanted to get. So, yay! That's one step closer to being done! 

I love Christmas! Now, I'm not overly religious. I am one of those horrible humans that enjoys it for the gift giving. Why? Because, I really like to spend time finding things for the people around me that I care about.

For me, it's not about the deals or the receiving. It's just taking time out to think about the people in my life. Their interests, their joys, and what I can give them to put a smile on their faces. Because, the season to me is more than shopping, religion, or colors. It's being with and thinking of the people you love the most.

That being said, I can't wait to go visit my parents! I won't be there for Christmas but I'd like to be there by New Years... which is something I also associate with my parents. ❤️

Sunday, November 27, 2016


Sometimes I wish I could just run so far away from everything and everyone and just live in a hole. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

My favorite show

Today, the revival season of my favorite show aired. I have been waiting for this day for almost 9 years. My heart broke the day the show ended. My best friends had disappeared. I had learned that the revival was going to happen exactly one minute after Gilmore Girls made the first post on Facebook. One minute. Right time, right place, major dancing happened.

 Through the years I was asked what my favorite show was and I always thought of Gilmore Girls. To me nothing can even come close to it. 

These women are my role models and my friends. When they cried, I cried. When they loved, I loved. They are more than characters to me and I'm not the type of person to really feels that deep about fictional characters.

Everything in life can pretty much be related to with a scene or quote from this show. I should know, I've seen every episode at least a dozen times and some a lot more than that. I've made so many people watch it with me over the year and I have so many theories! 

This season (because I refuse to see this ending as the end until I'm told otherwise) has sparked so many thoughts in my head. I cannot wait to watch it all play out (I really hope it gets the chance). 

I cannot express to a normal person how much emotion I have today. I'm running low on sleep and crying like a baby, replaying scenes and playing close attention to certain things that are said and looks that are made.

My obsession with this show, shows no bounds. I would just die for confirmation of another season as a Christmas gift! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


It's funny how much holidays change over the years. When I was little, We would have Thanksgiving at my Babcia & Jaj's house (Grandma & Grandpa). The entire family would come and we were all so close. 

During my younger years that meant that on Thanksgivintg Eve my cousin Stefanie and I would watch a magic show on TV (because they always had a magic show). Her mom would peruse the Black Friday ads. Then we would all play hide and seek until we decided to put on a magic show of our own on Thanksgiving day. My aunt Teresa would assist us and also give good hiding spots. My Mom always made Thanksgiving dinner with my Grandma. The men would watch sports, hang Christmas lights, and do manly things, I guess. I have no idea actually! Haha! 

Later, during my teen years, I spent most of my time with my little cousin (9 years younger??) Karena. She and I became pretty close and I would have a lot of fun with her. These years, food also started becoming the main event- and not just the cheesecake but all the foods. But, I would carry Karena around on my back and we would go look at snow and all sorts of stuff. 

Recently, any of us who could gather, would go to Babcia's for Thanksgiving. During my two years I spent in Alabama a while back, I even made it for one. My family as a whole doesn't talk much anymore. Some relatives just don't get along, but that's another story for another day. A story that starts with me meeting my husband, actually. Go figure.

This year is the first year that my Grandma isn't in her home. Thanksgiving was always her holiday too (as she was the one throwing it). She's currently living in a care facility in Iowa near my uncle and his family. She also recently broke her legs due to an accident there. I hope my Uncle will visit with her tomorrow- if they can't take her to their house. 

My parents will be having a nice dinner with my Dad's side of the family in Florida. Sunny Florida. Sigh. 

And, I have no major plans as of yet. My sister-in-law is in Kansas City and my brother-in-law is in Arizonia. My Mother-in-law cannot have salt or normal food. It's kind of a pitiful holiday this year.

I'd love to be in Florida with my parents, of course. I'd also like to see my Grandma- so long as she can curb the "get a job" speech.

But, that's life. I miss my family this year- but we will make it work in the long run! 

Saturday, November 19, 2016


One thing I do when I get depressed is read. It usually is the only thing that helps me shake the funk, if you will. However, the books I like usually help cause a bit more pain in the beginning. The stuff that I focus on when depression hits me is usually the happiest parts of what I read. It's difficult to deal with but I usually hit a hump and I start to feel better- because of the reading.

I'll be fair and share that I was diagnosed with episodic depression (a lovely branch of chronic depression). It comes and goes and it sucks but what can you do? I was taking medication but I became a complete zombie and I gained 25 pounds , which have subsequently been lost. Let's not even talk about the withdrawal and side effects I've been through! 

As I was saying, reading is my medicine. I have a ton of books and my kindle is bursting with them too!

About two years ago, I started thrifting all the Black Dagger Brotherhood books by J R Ward. Paranormal books are likely my favorite types, though I do have one other contender. 

Anyway, I've been debating on reading these books for so long but I kept putting them back down. First, the books develop there own vocaubulary which could go either way. Secondly, the main characters are really what have stopped me. Their names being Wrath, Thorment, Zsadist, etc... Kind of lame.

I finally picked it up back in October (because I always read horror and paranormal during Halloween month). I just now really started the first book this week though and I am giddy. 

Again, it sparked some pain since I started it while at a very low, low. But now, I feel happy just to read it.  And, let me reiterate that I was really low for the past week. 

I'm glad that I can find things to help me shake some stuff. 

In other news...

This (black) Friday marks the release of Gilmore Girls AYITL on Netflix. I cannot contain myself. I've seriously watched every episode at least 10 times through the years and some even more than that. It's amazing to have something given back to you when you thought it was gone forever. 
It truly is.

My husband cannot wait til it's over just so I'll stop talking about it. This saddens me- but then again- he enjoys it too (the series not all of my questions). But then again, I wish he had a classic car just so he'd stop talking about that to me. Right? But, I'm sure that wouldn't stop him talking now would it?  And if it did, he'd probably never say anything to me ever again. :/

Isn't marital life just fun? I'm kidding. Am I? Ha! 

That's all I've got for now. Back to my book! 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Random Thoughts

I write more when I'm upset. I believe that's the exact reason I gave for starting this blog. Ever since Tuesday night, I've just been all sorts of sad. I've thrown myself into creating tons of Christmas jewelry. Most of my Christmas pieces have cracked and are now completely useless. Go figure. 

But I'm trying.  I haven't been able to wear a skirt/dress or find the desire. Now, let me state that I'm not exactly sad about the election and who lost. Yes, I am a woman and yes I want to see us all win. But no, I'm just really sad that our next President will be Fuckface Von Clownstick.

That's not to say I'm going to be out protesting either. For one I live in Conservative Central- and that seems like a quick way to become a pariah. Secondly, I'm not sure what that would accomplish for me. 

Can I just say this one last time? We didn't lose. We won the fucking popular vote! 

So, onward, let me just state that living in a small town sucks. We have one restaurant and it's home country cooking style. It's decent in that you won't get sick. But, you definately aren't loving it either.

Their one saving grace is that they have an amazing salad bar! But, I like ranch dressing. They use miracle whip in the ranch. And I can't even act like I can eat that. So there's that.

It's so hard to live in a place with crappy restaurants and scary things trying to kill you all the time. The other day, I found a brown recluse spider in one of my jewelry drawers. I'm definitely going to die. 

I'm working on some new earring pieces- which was why I was in the drawer with the spider- trying to find some stuff I don't have. I came up with some amazing snowflakes but I can't seem to make them wearable. It's such a shame because I've had so many people ask about them and they're so delicate! 

Ugh. I had another giveaway and both winners want some pretty detailed pieces. It's great because I like the challenge but I'm always afraid I'll mess everything up! 

I like to give things to people, a lot. I can't help it. If I really like a person, I send them stuff. I hope that people don't see me as begging for friendship because of this, I just like to give. 

And, I like giveaways with my business because it's fun!

And I have no idea what I'm talking about now so I'm going to wrap it up. Sigh. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I'm on my 11th or so hour of being completely speechless.  Prior to yesterday, I made a ton of jokes about the complete sham of an election. I was utterly convinced that my vote did not matter in the Presidential Election because I live in a red state. I was correct.

I spent a few days focused on a perfect write-in candidate. Several days were spent with the desire to vote for Jill Stein (with the opportunity to make my vote count by giving our country an official 3rd party candidate, the idea was enticing).

I woke up on Election Day and I got dressed in the most patriotic outfit I could find in my closet. I went to the polling station. I sat down with my ballot and I cast my vote for every other state and local official and state wide amendments- which I had done adequate research on. 

I flipped over my ballot again and scanned through my choices for President. I paused at each one and had a two-second pro/con argument. I filled in the bubble for Hillary Rodham Clinton. 

Because, in my heart, wasted vote or not, she was the clear choice. As a woman with friends that are female and LGBTQI- there was only one choice that mattered.

Screw the emails and problems that I have with her. She was my candidate in 2007/08 because I knew in my heart that she would help this country be a better place.

I can't come up with the words to even begin to talk about the conclusion to this election. All I can do is hope that the scary things we all fear never come into fruition. I can only hope that things aren't as horrible as I fear they can be.

What else can I say? Nothing. I have nothing else.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

wtf?! election night.

Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf?  Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? Wtf? 

Thursday, November 3, 2016


It's quite possible that you have been hiding under a rock if you don't know that the Cubs won the World Series after 108 years of loss. Wow!

This is my team. The lovable losers. The team every fan wanted to see in this position but never did. The end of the season would come and we'd be sad but never angry. We are the best losers. I believe Bill Murray even said that last night! 😉

The weird thing about this is that Chicagoans are the opposite. The Bears lose a game and the fans are looking to lynch anyone as fast as they can. It's actually kind of scary. It's also a lot of the reason I'm a Colts fan!

But, the Cubs. It was always just another year- we'll get them eventually! 🎶"Someday we'll go all the way!"

That someday is here and it is stunningly beautiful! Our boys in blue! 

Game 4 came around and a lot of people I know had already developed a "there's always next year" philosophy. But, I refused to give up. And even if we had lost- I would have been okay with that (even if I was heartbroken). To be a Cubs fan means that you have optimism even when it doesn't happen. To me that is a true fan. Believing in your team even when they don't bring it. 

We all have bad days. It's what you do with them! It's about rallying together and saying that you won't back down! 

Now, I'm not the best Cubs fan. I'll admit it. I don't watch most regular season games (I just don't have time- and baseball takes TIME). BUT, I keep up with them. I look up scores at the end of the game or I check a friends status on Facebook everyday! 

But, I'm not a bandwagon fan. And I hate the term! This has always been my team and it will always be my team! And, randomly, I do not like the White Sox- but that is mainly due to a lot of the jerk fans I have met (this general principle is why I do not like Alabama- DO NOT ROLL TIDE)!

When I was little I would catch an occasional game at my Grandma's house in the summer. She didn't have cable so we only got the basic channels and, of course, WGN.

I loved Harry Caray the most! The 7th inning stretch would come on and I'd sing along. He kind of reminded me of my Grandpa.. in the most lovable way.

Watching Sammy Sosa later on was a major reason for watching the Cubs! It ran up there with watching the Chicago Bulls! 

Part of me is still speechless and the other part is singing. I'm so happy for my team! To the boys of Cleveland for putting up a great fight and making it an even playing field.  And to our boys for bringing it home! I still cannot believe it!

And P.S. I'm pretty happy about Rizzo being the one to officially win it. Totally my favorite Cub! Not that I don't love them all! Hehe! 

And, also- a trip to Wrigly for a game has been on my bucket list for a very long time. I flipped out just because my Dad drove us around the stadium a few years ago- the biggest smile on my face! If that doesn't make me a fan, what does?