I was flipping through my Deceptive Desserts book by Christine McConnel the other day. She makes some crazy stuff! She's on IG at @christinehmcconnell if you'd like to check her out. The book and her particular baking style is anything deceptive.
Lemon Blueberry cakes that are actually shaped like lemons! She has an entire chicken dinner with corn, green beans, carrots and mashed potatoes that is completely made out of desserts. It's very mind blowing and quite honestly my favorite cook book because I wish I could be that creative.

I mean... Really.
One one page she has the Grand Hotel from Mackinac Island completely made out of fudge. Fudge of course being one of the things Mackinac is known for.

This made me think of my long desire to go to Mackinac and stay at the Grand. Which started me thinking about some more things I'd love to be able to do before I leave this world. I also truly hope that's not anytime soon.
So without further ado, here is a list of things that I must do before I croak. I figured I'd come up with 40- and see how that goes. (P.S. I have not written it out yet so whatever come out - comes out naturally).
1. Visit Europe
2. Drive the entire route of US 66, starting in Chicago.
3. Sell jewelry in all 50 states.
4. Photograph people until it's no longer fun for me. Give it my all.
5. Visit Fiji
6. Take a cruise
7. Go West- specifically New Mexico and Arizona (look for Fenn's Treasure, even half heartedly just for fun).
8. Walk by myself in an autumnal forest (I try to do this whenever I can).

9. View the galaxy in the most optimal of places. Photograph it.
10. Sew something challenging and wear it with pride.
11. Go back to Disney World and live like a kid as much as possible.
12. Visit New York City.
13. Stay at the Grand Hotel.
14. Visit Las Vegas.
15. Have coffee in Seattle.
16. Hike the PCT (highly unlikely but this is a wish list). Yes, I really enjoyed Wild.
17. Get lost and be okay with it.
18. Dress fancy and be 100% okay with it. Even for just a week.
19. Make as many friends as I can, even if they're just acquaintances.
20. Turn left when I want to turn right and keep driving until I wind up somewhere unexpected.
21. Go back to New Orleans. Visit both St. Louis cemeteries. Buy Gris-Gris. Channel my inner Marie Laveau. Wander aimlessly.

22. Visit Savannah.
23. Visit Charleston.
24. Visit my favorite cemetery again.
25. Go back to Bloomington and buy a bagel and hot tea in the Autumn. Be sentimental.
26. Read as much as I can.
27. Give to a charity in another way than money. Volunteer.
28. Dance under a full moon naked. Tee-hee
29. Never forget the things that have made me happy. (I have no control over this- but it I can continue thinking of them it only betters my chances).
30. Hang glide.
31. Go ghost hunting.
32. Visit Salem, MA.
33. See the end of Gilmore Girls. (I've honestly told my husband that he cannot kill me til this happens). Haha!
34. Visit the UK.
35. Do something for a friend- just because. (I try to keep this my motto).
36. Become a vegetarian again.
37. Continue to embrace the straight edge lifestyle (even after a few set-backs). Do this in my own way with nobody forcing my hand.
38. Get another tattoo. (I've got it picked out and everything!)
39. Go spelunking.
40. Point to an absolutely random city on a map and visit it.
41. Find a way for my biggest dream to come true. (Sorry this ones a semi-secret that I just can't share on a blog).
42. Have another Halloween party. Bonus if I can have one with my friends from IN.
43. Become friends again with someone I thought I thought had lost.
44. Visit Japan! How is this so far on the list?!? Oops!
45. Photograph someone that I look up to...
46. Perfect my buttercream icing.
47. Have a tiki party when our tiki room is done! True tiki style clothing only! 😍
48. Eat something I said I never would and enjoy it.
49. Always exceed expectations. Set goals for myself, then shatter them. (Like this entry).
50. Ride a zip line.
51. Attend a masquerade
52. Attend a luau (double points if in Hawaii).
53. Stay in a haunted house.
54. See the Northern Lights.
55. Visit the Crooked Forest.
56. Tour the Everglades and take a trip to Key West.
57. Stay at the Polyensian Village.
58. Mentor someone
59. Challenge myself in some sort of education, again.
60. Read at least 10 classic books that were originally written in a different language.
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