The other day, I decided to make an ink purchase from Amazon due to my upcoming new batch of TV releases! Ooooh! So, ink is totally mundane, right? But, Amazon has the cheapest prices. Two packs of generic off-brand ink for $7 (and some change)! AND it's prime! But, it's also an add-on item! Come on Amazon, not cool.
But long ink story short, my add-on to get Prime was "Your Beauty Mark" by Dita Von Teese. I've been debating the book for a while because I'm not a hardcore Dita fan. (Gasp!) I'm sorry. I like her, she's beautiful, and she's supposedly amazing. I just don't want to call her my "Queen Bee" and worship the ground she walks on.
And, also, I don't like people that get so famous that they like to charge for autographs. Also, a kiss next to the signature costing a million dollars more? Nah. Give me the Cherry Dollface's of the world any day.
Anyway, I got it and I thumbed through it and it didn't give me any feels. I was flipping one page filled with photos of Dita half naked to the next. And, don't get me wrong here either, I don't have a problem with that. I can see the complete value in all photographs by professional photographers who are trying to accomplish some sort of look. But this book, it all feels... gratuitous. Every other page.
So, I shelfed it.
Then I got bored.
I started reading.
I found the subject interesting though slightly verbose. Slightly pretentious. But, I also found that it stirred up a few feelings inside of me. Several paragraphs (and long sentences) resonated with me.
"That is why I have always found the greatest inspiration and kinship in those brave shapeshifters, those famously infamous eccentrics, lauded and lambasted for breaking the rules of beauty and glamour, who endure in our imaginations as constant sources of indication despot their unconventional looks."

Now, I'm just 1.5 chapters in to the book. I have stalled a bit because the current chapter is about exercise and eating things that make paper sound good. I wish I could say that diet and exercise were at the top of my cares- but I really like sweets. Too much, in fact.
Where was I going with this? Today, I went to Huntsville. I wore a full skirt and I did half of my make-up (no concealer until I get rid of my rash). And, I was in Target (my last stop) when it hit me; I didn't care what anyone thought. I got dressed and left without the anxiety. None. I didn't wonder if people thought I was crazy, I just did me.
So, is this really because of a few words in a book? Is this because of a few great friends helping me through my problems for the longest time? Perhaps this is because I wore dresses for a week in Florida and nobody made me feel like an idiot (even at Disney). I can't be sure what has made me feel this way. I can't be sure that it's even a forever feeling.
But, one day after dyeing my hair for a while- I stopped caring what people thought of me. This may be the time when I stop caring again.
I just wanted to share this development.
And, in other news, my jewelry business is still selling. But, things have slowed down a lot- and I wish they wouldn't. I'm hoping that the televisions are a hit again. We're getting Internet on Thursday! Huzzah! My car- Leif- has pretty much died. He's living in the driveway at my Mother-in-Law's and I haven't driven him in over a month. I have no car and I do not like driving my husband's truck. However, my husband's ex-boss has a convertible (👐🏻👐🏻) Volkswagen Cabrio that he's going to fix up for me. I will admit that I like cars that are somewhat unique. I also like to name everything I own after men- since men like to name the things they own after women. Don't even get me started on that!
I also like funny names. I also like naming things based on ethnicity. We were told Boomer was an Australian Shepherd when he was a puppy. All of my dogs have had names that started with B. Boomer is short for Boomerang. Australian.
Then when we found out he was a Catahoula (it's a Cajun dog, and he was already 3) I got so upset that we had not named him Boudreaux.
Wow, that was a fun tangent. But yes, I'm going to name my (I hope it becomes mine because I already feel like it's mine) German car Otto. A German name. Otto-mobile. Hehehe. So stupid.
And that, is the end of this blog. Because, I suck at endings!
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